donderdag 22 augustus 2013

Bangkok vs. Rotterdam

People often ask me, are you staying? Are you going back to Rotterdam? Being in Bangkok for almost a week now, I think I can make a good opinion about Bangkok. What I like about Bangkok is that you can find everything here. There's religion, Chinatown, a street with Arabic food and shops, there's a street for gaysexual, a street filled with french people where you can get croissants and good whine, a street for young stravellers that want to get wasted on alcohol and laughing gas (khoa san rd. Way to overrated!), and probably a lot more, but this is what I've seen and heard until now. I really like the diversity and the friendly people but.... and Elodie is going to hate me for saying this.. I love "mijn stadje" Rotterdam more. In Rotterdam you can find all of this, but mixed up together. And I love the people living in it (or close to).. my friends.. I miss you! 

I did speak some dutch yesterday with my friend, Annique, who flew in two days ago. It was really nice to see her again after so many years.

A BIG THANK YOU to Elodie!!! For welcoming me in her lovely apartment, for taking me on trips around the city on her awesome bike, for making me laugh, for making my stay in Bangkok sooooo great!!!

All together, Bangkok is one of a kind. The weather will always be better, de food will always be tastier, de people will always be more friendly and everything will always be cheaper. But now... I' m ready for some mountains and clean air! Tonight I'm going to take the train to Chiang Mai!

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